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A Business Furniture | Year In Review 2023

business furniture

We took a look at the hidden benefits of an office reception area

The office reception area is a first impression. It sets the tone for your business, and making the right impression is important in any industry. Not only does a well-designed reception area make a positive first impression, but it also offers many benefits that can help to create a productive and efficient workplace. From increased work productivity to improved customer service, a well-designed office reception area can have a huge impact on the success of a business. In this blog post, we explored the many benefits of outfitting an office reception area with the right furniture and design elements.    

The office reception area is an important part of any business. It sets the tone for the rest of the office and is the first area visitors see when they enter. It is important to make a good impression and create a positive atmosphere. A reception area gives visitors a comfortable place to wait until they are greeted and can be a great place for them to relax. It can also help streamline operations by providing an area for visitors to check in and out and for staff to process paperwork.  

Having a reception area can also improve the look of your office by providing a stylish and inviting space. It is a great place to showcase your brand through the use of colours, graphics, and furniture.  

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We helped you ensure quality with your secondhand office furniture

When shopping for used office furniture, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you get the best quality product. First and foremost, it is important to check for any signs of wear and tear that may indicate that the item is not in the best condition. Look for any cracks, chips, stains, or discolouration that may have occurred over time. It is also a good idea to ask to see the item in person before purchasing so you can inspect it thoroughly and make sure it meets your standards.    

In addition to assessing the physical condition of the furniture, it is important to make sure the item is clean and free from dust and dirt. It is also important to check the manufacturer’s labels and instructions for proper use and care. Additionally, it is wise to look for any safety warnings or recalls associated with the item. Researching the manufacturer’s reputation and reading reviews of the product can also be beneficial. Finally, it is important to make sure the item meets the necessary health and safety standards. Taking these steps can help you make an informed decision and ensure that you purchase a high-quality item.    

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We looked at the dirt on your desk

Having a clean and organised desk is essential to a productive work environment. A clean desk can increase concentration, reduce stress, and generally make you feel better. To keep your desk clean and tidy, here are some tips on how to clean your desk daily: First, gather all the items on your desk and put them in one place. This will help you see what needs to be cleaned or put away.

  • Empty out any drawers or shelves and wipe them down with a damp cloth.
  • Remove dust and dirt from the surface of the desk with a damp rag or an electrostatic duster.
  • Use an all-purpose cleaner to remove any grime or stubborn stains from the surface of the desk.
  • Throw away any trash or items that you no longer need or use.
  • Put back items that you want to keep in an organised manner.
  • To get rid of any dust that's stuck in hard-to-reach places, use a can of compressed air.
  • Place a mat or coaster on the desk to protect it from any spills or scratches.

Finally, keep a desk organiser to store items like pens, pencils, paper clips, etc. This will keep your desk clean and organised and will help make sure you stay productive. By following these tips, you can keep your desk clean and tidy and have a productive workspace.  

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We looked at what Brits miss the most about working from home

Achieving a Work-Life Balance

One of the most cherished aspects of remote work was the newfound ability to create a better work-life balance. For many UK employees, the daily commute became a thing of the past, allowing them to gain precious hours in their day. As a result, individuals had more time for their families, hobbies, and personal well-being.  

Seeking to maintain a healthy work-life balance when returning to the office? Check out our ergonomic office furniture solutions to make your workspace comfortable and efficient.  

Spending Quality Time with Family

In the hustle and bustle of pre-pandemic office life, many Brits longed for more quality time with their loved ones. Working from home provided this opportunity. Whether it was sharing meals, helping with schoolwork, or simply being present, the pandemic allowed families to bond in ways that were previously difficult due to long commutes and demanding work hours.  

Getting More Exercise

Remember those midday walks or quick yoga sessions squeezed in during lunch breaks at home? The flexibility of remote work allowed many individuals to prioritise physical activity. Commutes were transformed into active breaks, and the newfound free time encouraged healthier habits. Joe Wicks was a focus of many a morning as we joined our children to partake in his (often gruelling exercise regime!)  

Make your workspace fitness-friendly with our range of standing desks and ergonomic chairs. Keep your body in motion while working.  

Dressing for Success (From the Waist Up):

One humorous and practical perk of remote work was the ability to dress professionally from the waist up while rocking pyjama bottoms or comfy loungewear out of sight from the camera. It was a perfect blend of comfort and professionalism, and Brits certainly had a chuckle or two over their newfound fashion freedom.    

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A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Recycled Business Furniture

With such a busy year under our belt, our team are looking forward to a well-deserved break and some festive food! Until that time, we would like to wish all our clients and readers a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. We would like to thank you for your continued support and look forward to working with you in 2024.

updated: 7 months ago