
Top tips to get your team office-ready in 2021 | Recycled Business Furniture

Getting ready to return to the office after lockdown

If you are working in a small business office, you will know how important it is to have correctly set up workstations. You can hire the best employees, but if you do not have a well-made workspace, they will lose interest and productivity throughout the day. Lack of productivity is just one of the many reasons your businesses should carefully plan their office furniture. That’s why recycled furniture is the best option for getting your team office-ready. However, no business owners think about these issues when setting up their office until they run out of time and space.

What does your workplace say to people arriving for their first day? What about your most valued customers and vendors? The physical environment offers your employees and customers a striking impression of your business. There are several ways to showcase that even a small business can have a unique physical environment.

When cleaning your environment, it is essential to remove all dirt, dust, and germs, as this is the only way to ensure that the inside of your office remains as clean as possible. You never know who has been in your workplace before you arrived for the day! Before you begin cleaning, you should always make sure that the room is empty. Having an open space will give you fresh ideas and encouragement.

Spring cleaning is a way to revitalise and refresh your office and promotes a good experience for employees. A workplace with a clean and tidy ambience gives more positive vibes that boost your employees’ morale. By organising your spaces, equipment, and materials, you can make minor adjustments that would eventually lead to giving you long-term results that will affect your entire company’s productivity.

Spring cleaning is not just about having a clean environment but looking at your workplace objectively and deciding whether you have any unwanted furniture or whether you need to replace the furniture you do have.

When we step back into our workplaces this year, they may continue to look different and require more safety measures than they would typically have. Workplace dividers have become a regular part of most offices in the last year; however, dividers can also be used by employees long term to promote your employees’ independence and concentration.

Storage for paperwork that leaves your office clutter-free

Given the lack of flexibility that many companies have in their floor design, it is worth looking at the impact the environment can have on worker productivity. Bear in mind that modern offices are becoming significantly more environmentally friendly and this is mainly down to the type of furniture used and the source location.

Employers can purchase all office storage and furniture in an economical and environmentally friendly way. Recycled office furniture is an essential step in creating a greener, more environmentally friendly environment by using pre-loved furniture. This step gives you good old-fashioned ingenuity and flair for design whilst helping the environment at the same time. Keeping on top of your resource use and recycling facilities will also reduce the amount of junk you send to landfill sites.

Storage space is often limited, and employers need to be creative when purchasing office storage. They don’t define any existing space for staff and still ensure they have enough filing cabinets to store the personal client’s data they have. Employers should also be wary of desk drawers and the ability to store essential documents. Whilst this can be beneficial, often paperwork will go missing or get entirely lost without a robust filing system in place.

DSE – safety for your teams’ workspace and environment

All employers will be aware of the DSE (Display Screen Equipment) test mandatory for all employees working with a computer throughout the day. Office furniture can also be supplied to support and promote good DSE, and ergonomic desks and office chairs don’t have to cost a fortune.

Companies who actively promote good DSE throughout their employees are ultimately looking after their workers’ health and wellbeing, which is imperative for a good workforce with a high retention rate.

A healthy working environment will promote good working ethics and improve employee output, and this starts with something as simple as the furniture they use daily. Individual desks, comfortable lighting, optimal screen height and a decent office chair will make a big difference to how an employee feels during the day.

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Breakout space for your employees to take 5

What does your office say to people arriving for their first day? What about your most valued customers and vendors? The physical environment offers your employees and customers a striking impression of your business. There are several ways to showcase that even a small business can have a unique physical environment.

More than ever, it is essential that your employees have space to move away from their desks and change their environment periodically throughout the day. Having breakout spaces boosts office morale and can create a more pleasant experience during the working day.

We have been used to a virtual office for the last year, including having the luxury of moving away for 5 minutes when needed. Now that employees are returning to a physical workplace, they need a warm environment that supports them in taking regular breaks away from their emails.

Recycled Business Furniture understands the need for breakout space and can provide high-quality furniture to make any work-free area inviting and comfortable.

Recycled Business Furniture can help your office.

Do you want to give your employees a renewed experience of space? Or is it that time of the year where you need to redo office furniture? We know how to turn around rooms, even the more loved ones that have been in use for a long time. Are you ready for an office makeover with Recycled Business Furniture?